Ordering guide
This section contains information that help you to understand how to buy EMMA Labs products in the most convenient for you way.
We want your experience to be as easy as it can. We offer a range of
payment options, below is a brief description of each option and the process
to follow your order through to completion:
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We currently accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express (USD only), Discover (USD only). All orders are processed in real time and upon completion an email will be sent to you as confirmation of your purchase.
This option is recommended for the fastest delivery of your order. For all other options you will not receive your order until we have received payment.
- Fill all required information at first step and select Credit Card at Payment Method combo box
- On the next page after you hit "Continue" at the bottom of this page you will be asked for your credit card information.
- Order will be processed through a secure SSL connection. Your personal information is kept secure and will not be transferred by us or RegNow to other parties.
- After successful order processing you'll receive email with registration keys immediately
Depending on your location, this option will either provide you with payment instructions on your monitor or an invoice will be sent to you via post in the next 5-6 business days. Upon receipt of funds an email will be sent to you as confirmation of your purchase.
- Fill all required information at first step and select Bank/Wire Transfer at Payment Method combo box
- The next page will be a summary of your order details - product, pricing, fees and applicable taxes.
- Depending on your location, once you click "Place Your Order" you will either be provided with payment instructions on your monitor or you will be advised that an invoice will be postal mailed to you.
- European customers who receive an invoice by postal mail may use the invoice to pay by bank/wire transfer or GIRO.
- Registration key for the software is delivered electronically and is generally available for delivery immediately following the receipt of payment or within 48 hours.
With this option you will need to send a check or money order to the address listed on the final page.
- Fill all required information at first step and select Check/Money Order at Payment Method combo box
- The next page will be a summary of your order details - product, pricing, fees and applicable taxes.
- Once you click "Place Your Order" payment instructions will be presented to you on your monitor.
- Your registration will not be complete until funds have been received. Registration keys will be delivered by email.
With this option you will need to send purchase form by FAX.
- Fill all required information at first step and select Check/Money Order at Payment Method combo box
- The next page will be a summary of your order details - product, pricing, fees and applicable taxes.
- Once you click "Place Your Order" payment instructions will be presented to you on your monitor. The fax number will be presented at the bottom of the final page.
- Once we receive your completed information we will process the order as soon as possible. Registration keys will be delivered by email.
With this option a statement will be sent to you via post in the next 5-6 business days. Simply fill out the Giro information and mail it to your bank.
- Fill all required information at first step and select Check/Money Order at Payment Method combo box
- The next page will be a summary of your order details - product, pricing, fees and applicable taxes.
- Once you click "Place Your Order" payment instructions will be presented to you on your monitor.
- Your registration will not be complete until funds have been received. Registration keys will be delivered by email.
NOTE: You do not need to have a PayPal account to make use of this option. PayPal will also allow you to pay using a credit card.
- Fill all required information at first step and select Check/Money Order at Payment Method combo box
- The next page will be a summary of your order details - product, pricing, fees and applicable taxes.
- Once you click "Place Your Order" you will be provided with information for making your payment using PayPal.
- By clicking on the "Buy Now" button on that page, you will be directed to the PayPal website to make your payment.
- Payment must be submitted within 24 hours, or your order will be cancelled.
- Your registration will not be complete until funds have been received. Registration keys will be delivered by email.